Suicide prevention day

10th September 2020 marks suicide prevention day. It’s always an important day, but especially now, where this year we’ve experience a pandemic which has affected the world, and our lives. In 2018 there were 6859 registered deaths of suicide in the UK. As many people are aware, in 2018 I lost my big sister toContinue reading “Suicide prevention day”

What grieving made

Grieving hits in waves. I think I’m surfing and then I’m suddenly pulled under by your weight as if you’re drowning and there’s nothing I can do. Grieving pulls together a family but also tears us apart and how did you expect us to cope with that? Grieving makes me feel guilty and makes meContinue reading “What grieving made”

Nothing lasts forever – love and hope.

Normally, words flow easily yet I am sat here at my laptop wondering where or how to start this. I always aimed for this blog to be awareness and to try and give people hope and to help people in similar situations or people who can relate, to reach out for help but sometimes thingsContinue reading “Nothing lasts forever – love and hope.”

My names Jess and I’m an alcoholic.

The title says it all. Once a week I go to an AA meeting because I’m an alcoholic. Nothing will change that but I can say that I am in recovery. Not everyone understands how I became an alcoholic and to be honest, neither do I. I believe I have an addictive personality and maybeContinue reading “My names Jess and I’m an alcoholic.”